بسم الله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله
About US
As-salaamu ‘alaikum!
Who We Are
We are a team of Muslim engineers. We build technology to support Muslims, provide a clear view on Islam, and enable the practice of Islam for beginners.
Our Approach
We develop apps and produce media content, to show the beauty and depth of Islam. We collaborate with scholars to keep it authentic. Essentially, we combine technical expertise and 'ilm (sacred knowledge). You can learn more about our methodology here.
Our Products
One of our main projects is NamazApp, which makes it easy to start praying. We also have apps on Arabic and Quran, and some other projects are currently in development.
More broadly, our apps are there to:
establish a simple and solid base for believing and practicing;
map the territory, so that the person can use it to transition to the path of learning;
connect our users to the larger Muslim community and scholars.