بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Building a Muslim ProducT
In the Name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate.
May Allah bless and grant abundant peace to our master Muhammad, his folk, and companions.
Mission and Goal
Our mission is to draw Muslims closer to Allah.
Our goal is to benefit Muslims through products and content.
Three ingredients:
Adhere to shari'ah in everything. Sticking to shari'ah grants every benefit and protects from every harm.
Emulate the blessed sunnah of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
Use proven ideas and best practices of software engineering, product design, and content production.
Shari'ah is the criterion, sunnah is barakah, and wisdom is the rightful property of a believer.
User Experience
We are comprehensive minimalism: we keep things as simple as possible and provide what is needed.
We prioritize: primary and obligatory, then secondary and recommended. We deliver it gradually and seamlessly.
Our users should be able to understand our products, even without us explaining anything. Constantly test and revise your UX.
Content Policy
Guidance comes from Allah. We do not preach, upon us is the clear delivery.
All content we serve must be:
authentic: we follow and report the way of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah.
beneficial: we try to maximize the value for our audience, to facilitate for our user.
clear: we define eloquence as the ability to speak the right thing at the right time in a way most fitting to reach your listener.
We report accepted scholarly opinions from within the fold of Islam. When reporting them, we start from the agreed opinions, then go to strong, then to non-rejected. In jurisprudence, we follow Hanafi school of law, and accept the other three schools as valid.
Development process
In our work activities, we strive to be deliberate, efficient, and focused:
deliberate: constantly ask ourselves what are we trying to achieve;
efficient: search for the simplest solution that meets the requirements;
focused: do that one thing at a time.
We ask ourselves what is the most important and appropriate thing for me to work right now.
When building a product, we:
Explore the domain to make informed decisions;
Prioritize the tasks to plan our effort;
Iterate to move fast and improve over time.
The ultimate benefit is being close to God. Our products must be useful. We love and emulate the Prophet ﷺ.
May Allah make us sincere and successful!