بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
What is Namaz
What is Namaz?
Namaz is the daily muslim prayer, also known as Salat or Salah. It is one of the five pillars of Islam and the best way of worshipping Allah the Almighty.
Is praying obligatory?
There are five obligatory (fard) prayers, which every Muslim and Muslimah must perform daily. They are listed on the main page of this app.
What is this app?
This app is an audio player for you to listen to the correct pronunciation of the prayers in Arabic. You will also have the texts in English transliteration and some illustrations to help you navigate through the process. All content is in accordance with the rules of the Hanafi school of law.
Is this app enough to learn how to pray?
This app is a good starting point. We are constantly expanding it, however, it is still not enough to learn all prayer rulings. Therefore, start with this app, but also find a prayer manual, where the prayer rulings are described in detail. Ideally, attend a course on prayer in your local mosque.
Importantly, learn about Taharah (purification before prayer), we have a whole section on it in this app, and about the rulings of prayer (which part of it is obligatory, what is recommended, what invalidates it and so on). As a general rule, a Muslim person should keep learning and improving the worship.
What is Taharah?
Taharah is ritual purification performed before prayer. Learn about ghusl (ritual bath), wudu (ablution), and instinja (cleaning oneself after toilet). These will give you the most necessary knowledge and enable you to pray correctly.
What else do you have in the app?
There are additional resources, such as short articles, recommended (sunnah) prayers, and audio tracks for surahs and duas. The fard prayers have priority, so do not let the "extra" items distract you from praying on time.
What if I have questions?
Feel free to message us by pressing Contact the Developer in the 'More' tab. It will take you directly to a Whatsapp chat with us.
Personal advice from developer
Namaz is the main connection of a believer to Allah the Most High. Make a sincere intention and start from obligatory (fard) prayers.
May Allah grant you success in your journey and ease your learning!
Alsalaamu `alaikum